western.sare.org resources specialty-crop-production-in-high-tunnels Specialty Crop Production in High Tunnels A three-year, SARE-funded project focused on developing fruit and vegetable systems suited to high tunnel production in the high-elevation arid Intermountain West. Successful systems were developed for lettuce, tomato, squash...
western.sare.org resources a-sunn-hemp-cover-crop-for-soil-health-and-nematode-management A Sunn Hemp Cover Crop for Soil Health and Nematode Management These University of Hawaii fact sheets and virtual field day explain how to use sunn hemp as a cover crop to control weeds, nematodes and other pests, add soil nutrients,...
western.sare.org resources sustainable-agriculture-farming-systems-project Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgeeCmLwWXU Public concerns regarding pesticide misuse, food safety, water use and contamination, and depletion of non-renewable resources have motivated the reevaluation of some of the practices of conventional agriculture and...
western.sare.org resources farm-internship-handbook-oregon Farm Internship Handbook: Oregon This handbook is designed for producers who have decided to use interns or already have an internship program in place and are looking for ways to improve it....
western.sare.org resources large-raspberry-aphid Large Raspberry Aphid Large raspberry aphid is notable as a vector of viruses in Rubus, including Raspberry leaf mottle virus (RLMV, semi-persistent) and Raspberry latent virus (RpLV, persistent) in red raspberry, and Black...
western.sare.org resources mixed-cover-crops Mixed Cover Crops An informational video on the pros and cons of planting mixed cover crops which are often used to replace fallow. Focus is on effects of cover crops on soil quality...
western.sare.org resources integrating-small-goat-herd-production-with-fruits-and-vegetable-production Integrating Small Goat Herd Production with Fruits and Vegetable Production Most small family farms produce and market more than a single crop from their farm. Growing multiple crops promotes benefits coming from both biologic and economic diversification. This report resulted...
western.sare.org resources conservation-buffers-in-organic-systems-nevada Conservation Buffers in Organic Systems: Nevada This is a collaborative project to build the capacity of conservation professionals to assist organic and transitional farmers in planning and implementing conservation practices through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program...
western.sare.org resources grower-track-and-trace-handbook-and-videos Grower Track and Trace Handbook and Videos Circle Fresh Farms is a network of small- to medium-sized greenhouses producing certified organic fresh vegetables. In order to remain competitive and compliant with emerging expectations to provide farm-to-consumer product...
western.sare.org resources cover-crops-in-organic-systems-california Cover Crops in Organic Systems: California This is a collaborative project to build the capacity of conservation professionals to assist organic and transitional farmers in planning and implementing conservation practices through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program...
western.sare.org resources conservation-buffers-in-organic-systems-oregon Conservation Buffers in Organic Systems: Oregon This is a collaborative project to build the capacity of conservation professionals to assist organic and transitional farmers in planning and implementing conservation practices through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program...
western.sare.org resources wireworm-biology-and-nonchemical-management-in-potatoes Wireworm Biology and Nonchemical Management in Potatoes This bulletin is one of a series on organic potato production developed by OSPUD, a collaboration among Oregon State University personnel and 11 farmers operating diversified organic vegetable farms. The...
western.sare.org resources good-agricultural-practices-program-for-new-mexico Good Agricultural Practices Program for New Mexico The goal of the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Program for New Mexico is to provide educational materials to food producers and educational professionals associated with agriculture in order to reduce...
western.sare.org resources a-guide-for-hawaiis-farmers A Guide for Hawai’i’s Farmers This guide was developed to assist new farmers in tropical small-island settings by providing a distillation of expert information on sustainable agriculture principles, agroecology, crop production, animal production, agroforestry and...
www.sare.org resources a-sustainable-approach-to-controlling-honey-bee-diseases-and-varroa-mites A Sustainable Approach to Controlling Honey Bee Diseases and Varroa Mites Geographic Adaptability: Relevant to beekeepers throughout the US and Canada. European honey bee with a Varroa mite on its back. Honey bees are the world's most economically valuable insect pollinator...
www.sare.org resources selecting-cattle-to-improve-grazing-distribution-patterns-rangeland-health-and-water-quality Selecting Cattle to Improve Grazing Distribution Patterns, Rangeland Health and Water Quality Geographic Adaptability: The western United States, especially on rugged terrain or extensive pastures. Livestock distribution is a critical concern for grazing lands. Rangeland health, the condition of riparian areas, water...
www.sare.org resources smart-water-use-on-your-farm-or-ranch Smart Water Use on Your Farm or Ranch As producers throughout the nation grow increasingly concerned about water scarcity, farmers, ranchers and agricultural educators are beginning to explore new, conservation-oriented approaches to water use. They are managing soil...
western.sare.org resources on-farm-internship-training-binder On-Farm Internship Training Binder The Placer Ag Futures Project was conceived as a response to critical issues affecting local agricultural sustainability. This project was intended to help grow a new crop of agricultural professionals...
western.sare.org resources technical-assistance-programs-for-agricultural-irrigation-improvements-in-arizona Technical Assistance Programs for Agricultural Irrigation Improvements in Arizona A number of organizations offer technical assistance programs for improvements to agricultural irrigation systems. Irrigation improvements can lead to more efficient and precise application of water. As a result, growers...
western.sare.org resources moooooving-forward-together Moooooving Forward Together This case study is a total of 39 graphically designed pages and includes an overview of beef to school in Montana; school, processor, and producer needs; an infographic of the...